About Us

Notable results from the third lesson.


SmartOwl is a unique place where you can learn and improve your languages.

Learn English, Spanish, German, French, Chinese, Russian and other languages with an enthusiastic team of native speakers and vivid personalities. Due to our platform, you can become fluent in any language. We propose 1-on-1 and 1-on-2 online lessons and conversations with native language teachers around the world. You can learn anytime and anywhere due to the possibility to take lessons from home before or after you go to work whenever and wherever it’s convenient for you.

Teachers on SmartOwl can also customize each class based on your needs and interests. We have a bunch of topics, programs and stories, so you are not stuck with a set curriculum, learn what you want to learn the most!

Our Story

Over the years, I’ve heard more reasons not to learn a language than I ever would have imagined. Actually I even used to make excuses for myself, before I learned my first new language – Spanish. But after I started to improve it I realized how many new opportunities appeared in my life. The world is changing fast.

More companies than ever are doing business in several countries around the world, but they can’t do it without hiring globally-minded people who can speak at least one foreign language. If your first language is English, Spanish or Chinese which are the most common languages in the world, and yet you’ve made the effort to learn another language rather than expecting the world to accommodate your monolingualism, then you’re a rare breed indeed.

This makes you interesting. People will approach you. They’ll want to talk to you. They’ll want to know what motivated you to “bother” learning another language.Finally, every time I learn a new language, I find it easier than the one before.